Looking to recruit in Senegal?

In this webinar for companies, we'll give you the key success factors for recruiting in Senegal. We'll present the different elements of the mission (date, sectors of activity, process) as well as a portrait of the workforce available in Senegal.

Program :

Presenting the Journées Québec Sénégal

How to recruit in Senegal with the team from the Quebec Office in Dakar

Immigration update presented by MIFI

Target sectors: Engineering and technical trades, manufacturing, health and social services, information technology, administration, finance and insurance, agri-food and food processing, construction, mining, early childhood education, education, sales and services.

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.

In French Only. December 5, 2023 from 11 a.m. to noon. Cost: free of charge

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Québec International

Québec International drives regional economic growth and global visibility, supporting entrepreneurs, professionals, and investors.

Dec 05, 2023
Webinar - Montréal International - Why recruit in Senegal?