Young Promoters Fund

Available for entrepreneurs aged 18 to 39.


Young Promoters Fund

Objectif du fonds

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The Jeunes Promoteurs fund aims to stimulate entrepreneurship among young people aged 18 to 39, helping them to set up a first or second business through technical and financial support.

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Admission criteria

To be eligible, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be aged between 18 and 39;
  • Have experience or training relevant to the project;
  • Be located within the MRC Pierre-De Saurel territory;
  • Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and a permanent resident of Quebec;
  • Not have owned the business for more than 24 months at the time of application for funding.

Document Access

Consult the policy of this fund. .pdf

Admissible projects

The financial contribution can cover any of the following categories:

Volet 1: Realization of business projects

Completion of a feasibility study or other study preparatory to the creation of a first business, provided the project is considered eligible under this program.


  • Be part of a project to create a first business on the territory of the MRC Pierre-De Saurel;
  • Demonstrate the need for an expert study;;
  • Demonstrate the promoter's inability to carry out the requested study on his own
  • Demonstrate the complexity of the study to be carried out;
  • Attach a copy of the service offer from the consultant or company selected to carry out the requested study, along with its curriculum vitae, to the application for financial assistance;
  • Part-finance the study with a downpayment from the contractor.

Volet 2 : Start-up of a first or second company


  • Be supported by a business plan covering the first two years of operation, demonstrating that the business being created has good prospects for viability and profitability.
  • Result in the creation of at least two permanent jobs in the MRC territory, or the equivalent in people/years, within two years of the start of the project
  • Involve capital expenditures
  • Include a financial commitment by the applicant
  • Total start-up financing costs in excess of $10,000
  • Include a detailed description of the financing package required to complete the project.
  • The entrepreneur must demonstrate to the DÉPS funding committee that the financial assistance is essential to the realization of his or her business project.

Volet 3: Entrepreneur training

To enable candidates who benefit from a financial contribution for the creation of a first business to acquire training relevant to the realization of the project.


  • Demonstrate the need for the entrepreneur to acquire the desired training;
  • Demonstrate the relevance of the choice of trainer;
  • Access to the contractor training component is restricted to contractors already benefiting from component 2.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance takes the form of a non-repayable contribution and ranges from $4,000 to $6,000 per project*:

  • $4,000For business in the service sector
  • $5,000For business in the trade sector
  • $5,000For business in the agricultural sector
  • $6,000For company in the manufacturing sector

*The amount of financial assistance may vary if the promoter is not engaged full-time in the business. Other conditions may apply and will be explained by your advisor.

Submit your project

Consult the list of documents to be provided and the various stages of this fund. (In French Only).pdf
Download the application form..pdf

Digital application form

Company mailing address
FJP section
Do you need financial support to make your project a reality?
Are you a full-time employee in your company?

All requests for financing must be accompanied by :

  • A complete business plan
  • Each promoter's curriculum vitae and personal balance sheet
  • 2-year financial forecasts or financial statements
  • A detailed proposal
  • Supporting documents attesting to the promoter's age
  • Quebec business number
  • Proof of capital outlay

You can send these files to